Rabu, 26 September 2018




Main Campus in SPUS

Brief history of St.Paul university surigao

St. paul university surigao ,surigao city traces its roots in 1906 when the last group of Spanish Benedictine Missionaries, who worked zealuosy ,founded the cartilla or doctrina school , which soon evolved into the Escuela catolica de san Nicolas . The Religious of the virgin mary who were the first Administrators, vacated surigao . Soon after  their departure, the missionaries of the secred heart , also known as the dutch fathers ,succeded them ,created the parish of surigao ,and made the Escuela Catolica de san Nicolas a parochial school which they renamed San Nicolas School.

·         Vision –Mission statement of St. Paul University Surigao

Vision : St. Paul University surigao , a paulinian community of learners and believers impelled by the charism of the sisters of St . Paul Chartres ,form Christ – centered ,competend,and responsible persons in the service of the church and society.

Mission : in union with mary ,our model and St. Paul ,our patron, we strive to become the preferred educational community marked by our commitments to :
1.   Zealously proclaim jesus Christ as the good news to all;
2.   Consistently provide integral catholic formation,academic excellence,research and community service;
3.   Proactively respond to the challenges of the changing times in a spirit of collaboration and resource sharing;
4.   Resolutely build a gospel-filled community;
            5.   Responsibility manage resources in a spirit of Christian Stewarship and good governance

·         Quality Policy

St. Paul university surigao provides quality ,Catholic,Paulinian education that is customer-focused in a culture of compassionate caring ,through
1.       Involvement at all levels
2.       Upgrading of human resources and facilities ,and
3.       Commitment to continual improvement.
·         Paulinian Core Values (5C’s) : Christ-centeredness,Charity,Commision,Community and Charism

          University Seal,Colors and motto

The university Seal is insignia of the St.Paul University Surigao . It is Adapted from the coat of arms of the sisters of St.Paul of chartres(SPC). 
      Color : Green and Gold are the official colors of all paulinian educational institutions.
Motto : “Caritas charisti urget nos, it verbalizes the aspiration of the university to carry out the ideals expressed by the symbols and colors of the St.Paul University Surigao seal”


1.   Library , the library is a center of information. It contains a rich collection of books , periodicals and records of accumulated knowledge of all fields . the high school library is located at the second floor . there are 2 high school librarian and student assistants who help the students in the use of library materials . it is open for students everyday except on Sunday and holiday.

Library of JHS SPUS

Library of SHS SPUS
2.  Medical and Dental Clinic  : to safe guard the health of the student , a school physician ,a dentist and a nurse are available at the medical Dental clinic . services hours of the phycisician and the dentist are posted at the door of the clinic .

3.  Atrium . this is a state of the art open hall with a well , furnished stage where school activities and programs can be held ,and flag ceremony is always done in there. 

4.  Canteen. The high school canteen serves snacks and meals. It has a separate building in front of the grade school building.

Teaching system 

A week of learning to be held for 5 days (monday-friday) . For each subject it’s has during 60 minutes.This is schedule of my mentor sir Alcher , i follow this schedule.

Materials and other learning sources

Every subject has two books. First book for teacher as teacher’s guide and second book for students. I think it’s looks like in my country. In Indonesia also apply two books for each subject. The book for teacher and student. But, sir Alcher said that you can add other materials from internet

Academic Support System

In JHS class they have television, 4 fans,Board ,white board and the seats are comportable.


Main features of the enhanced K to 12 curriculum. In the old curriculum,so much knowledge,skills and values were expected to be learnt by students within a limited period of time . moreover, learning tended to be more focused on content,which was fragmented and disintegrated . these could be some reasons why many Filipino students failed to master the competencies and gain lifelong skills necessary for a productive life.

The K to 12 education program addresses these comings by reforming the basic education curriculum .the following are some features of the curriculum :
1.       The K to 12 curriculum is decongested. The new curriculum focuses on understanding for mastery and has removed the unnecessarily repeated competencies.
2.       The K to 12 curriculum is seamless . this ensures smooth transition between grade level and continuum of competencies through spiral progression where learning of knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes increases ub depth and breadth . there is also continuity of competencies and standards from elementary to secondary level through a unified curriculum framework . the unified standars and competencies ensures integration of what learners learn across grade levels and across learning areas for a more meaningful learning.
3.       The K to 12 curriculum is relevant and responsive as it centers on the Filipino learner; it is developmentally appropriate (age appropriate) and focuses on succeeding in the 21st century. Moreover, the curriculum responds to the needs of the community; an agricultural town may offer agricultural elective courses; a coastal area , fishery elective courses ; an urban area, industrial arts. Learning will be systematically matched wuth labor market requirements.
4.       K to 12 curriculum is enriched. It uses integrative , inquiry-based and constructive approached to develop the competencies of learners.
5.       K to 12 curriculum is learner –centered. It focused on the optimum development of the Filipino child.
Teaching Plan


  1. Teaching Methods : The method used is the discovery method, with the model used is the Think, pair, Share model. These methods and models are very good if used together because they are expected to have an active role in the classroom, as the curriculum expects students to be central to learning activities and teachers as facilitators.
  2. Learning materials and innovation Using : material based on curriculum, sylabus, math book, electronic book, internet. For innovation, teacher using expository method
  3. Sources of learning and technology :Use two book such as teacher’s guided book and student’s workbook. Teacher can add other materials from internet. Use learning media with technology such as power point.
      4. Authentic Assesment : based on my observations, sir Alcher often gives questions like quizzes at the end of learning to test and also as an Assessment for them.

This video will explain more clearly about St. Paul University Surigao, let's watch!!


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