Rabu, 26 September 2018


Monday, August 6 2018

In the second week, we started at 07.00 before doing  class observations and meeting our mentors, we were invited to see Mrs.Mary Louie.E.Galaura (Senior High Aistance Principal grade 12-TVL) ini her room. She greeted ,Asked us about the comfortable of the room where we staying in. And there were so many respons from us we were comfortable and slept  soundly last night hehehe, Maam Glaura read our names, school level, lessons and mentors of each of us and I was appointed to teach at Junior high school grade 9 with my mentor MR. alcher .J.Arpilleda (Grade 9-Joseph Joseph Adviser), we also introduced ourselves, he called me ma'am anggia / Melinda, and he said I could call him Mr. alcher, but there was one thing that made me amazed and ashamed of the teachers there, heheh don't be curious, actually I am amazed by the age of those who are still very young to be permanent teachers in schools that are relatively elite in surigao, for example my mentor Mr.alcher, he is as old as me  21 years old, and of course Here  is one of the  young incredible teachers at st Paul.

We were then invited to the front of the atrium when they were having a ceremony to introduce us in front of all junior high school students, we felt quite nervous and tense because of the were large numbers of students but they were very welcomed when we were  introduced by one of teacher there, and they gave applause and  prayed us, it was amazing and  I couldn't wait to teach them.

Then I went to the class where I was going to observe it for next week and I would teach in that class, and it was st. joseph which is located on the 3rd floor. when I entered, all the students stood up and gave me  a welcomed greeting. Mr.lcher introduced me to all of them, and spelled my name by writing on the board, hehehe but my name is actually easy to say, and I was asked to sit at the back of the class, before starting learning they always starts with prayers and greetings . then all sat down and MR Alcher started the 9th grade algebra lesson, during the lesson I tried to observe  the learning model of Sir Alcher , all of his students had fun to the math lessons he taught. The students joined the classy activly. They always do what he says.


Tuesday, August 7 2018
I  am always get ready  at 7:00 am The flag rising ceremony starts at 7:45 in atrium its continously everyday and I stood behind  the students.My observation class at 10.30-11.30 in the second class floor, and there were 48 students ini that class., they were only partially active because this class was a general class so he said  I had to be more active to find a good way to teach them so they would  understand the lessons better.

When my class was finished, I returned to  the dorm because my second class is at 4:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.in the class of John the Beloved on the 2nd floor, it was same as beforeI entered before and as usual sir alcher introduced me Mr.Alcher starts teaching . When the class got boring, he applied the Think, Pair, and Share Learning model, with  some interesting games to solve the math problems.
The model learning TPS in apply
Mathematic Games in apply

Wednesday, August 8 ,2018
Today I started observation at 8:00 a.m. in Joseph St, and It was sport day so they wore sport uniform. on Wednesday, the class finishes at 12.00 p.m and continue to  the extracuriculer class till 17.00 p.m. When I was there. There were guests from Quipper.they introduced a new learning application so that the St Joseph  students could acess the lessons easily.it is very helpful because it is also supported by adequate facilities that require learning appliances such as Tablet.
Teacher's office

Thursday, August 9 ,2018
Usual the flag ceremony in JHS SPUS (short for junior high school SPUS) at 7:45 a.m. 08.00 in the atrium, finished my ceremony and sir alcher according to the schedule to class St. Joseph this time Sir Alcher will provide material: solving Quadratic Equations by Extracting Square roots still Sir Alcher's introduction always starts with warm-up in the form of games, in my opinion the quadratic equatons by extracting square roots are quite difficult material if not carried out properly by the teacher who teaches the material, because this material is a very important requirementn eed to be remembered because it is closely related to the next material which is no less difficult but if students have understood and are able to obtain the core solving quadratic equations by extracting square roots, then this will not be a problem until the next material, and Sir Alcher succeed make them all even easily solve the problem, so I am relieved that next week I will enter with advanced material, with this I do not have to explain again I might just remind.


  1. Teaching Methods : The method used is the discovery method, with the model used is the Think, pair, Share model. These methods and models are very good if used together because they are expected to have an active role in the classroom, as the curriculum expects students to be central to learning activities and teachers as facilitators.
  2. Learning materials and innovation Using : material based on curriculum, sylabus, math book, electronic book, internet. For innovation, teacher using expository method
  3. Sources of learning and technology :Use two book such as teacher’s guided book and student’s workbook. Teacher can add other materials from internet. Use learning media with technology such as power point.
      4. Authentic Assesment : based on my observations, sir Alcher often gives questions like quizzes at the end of learning to test and also as an Assessment for them.

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