Sabtu, 29 September 2018

AUGUST,23RD-24TH 2018 ( 6th-7th day PRACTICE TEACHING)

6th Day Practice Teaching
wednesday ,August,23rd 2018

Today is the first class that I entered in St. Joseph class with new material continued with the title Solving Quadratic Equations by completing the square. Thank God there is no problem in the learning process that I do, I sometimes control all students because of my evaluation with Sir Alcher that I am still less in mastering the class and hope that today I fix it, I tried my best by utilizing a fun learning model, I took the initiative to give practice but I chose randomly with the help of music hehehe is a bit strange, but for the sake of them they can enjoy what I teach, then I made the paper into a large scroll then I gave it to the students right next and then he gave it to friends in the same place and so on while at the same time my song was playing and when music stopped the students holding the paper roll had to go ahead and finish the exercise, hehehe arrived- arrived the paper became very fearful if they were not ready to solve the questions on the board, but certainly they liked it, and this method I did in the St Luke class also they responded the same even more convincing especially when the ball arrived at the back seat and saw their funny behavior we all laugh together and not a few of them even ask voluntarily to work on the problem even though it is difficult, extraordinary

Every class is finished, Sir Alcher always gives the writing of the evaluation results so that tomorrow I can be better

St joseph

St luke

7th day Practice Teaching 
Friday, August 24th 2018

Today was the last day of teaching because it was the right time for me to teach at JHS SPUS because next week our schedule is qulture night on Monday and the other day Nurdina delegates from Univ Jogja have to go back to Indonesia. because it has been continued to say to them, they are my first students to become decorators in my history teaching abroad as if in the country. 
I have to finish my teaching assignments in St Luke and St. Joseph Alhamdulillah because this is the end I teach, I teach as well as possible hope that today there is nothing less / wrong, I try to teach always give evidence, students are active, and not afraid in Ask if I don't understand, and it is proven from the results of their work, I check the results of their work every night then I see that there are only a few who do not understand me approaching personally to explain the material I teach while others I ask to do higher questions level, and I think this is very effective

At the end of the lesson I asked for a group photo to be a memento, and they were very excited for a group photo and cisss

I give them chocolate :)

They Give me Mathematical poetry (lol)
This time my evaluation was a little Alhamdulillah and sir alcer said that I was able to bring the material in my own way, he felt different but he appreciated my teaching style Because it could make the students understand the material I taught and this was the last evaluation note sir alcher on the booklet that I give it

St ,joseph

St. luke
At the end of my teaching, I was shocked by one of my students who suddenly came forward and read poetry to me, I felt heavy leaving them, thank you dear Joseph and St Luke


August,21st and 22nd

Ninoy and Eid al-Adha, then we take a 2-day holiday and we spend it by completing the blog notes, others check their students' answer sheets, and the next day at Eid al-Adha we go to Surigao Mosque for Eid al-Adha prayer and finally we meet Filipino Muslim families in there they are so few that it is very difficult to meet them but Alhamdulillah, meeting them has made me happy. After Eid and silatuhami prayers in their homes, we invited them to buy halal food in Surigao and many places we have visited with them.



5th Day Teaching Practice
Monday,August 20th 2018

As usual I still enter the same class, namely St Luke and St Joseph, the learning method that I use this time is their division in group form and then I explain a little about the final material on the quadratic equations by factoring, and each group I give Different issues that cover the beginning to the end of the material become my assessment so that I usually know where they are understanding.

As usual at the end of the lesson I was given this note by Sir Alcher
St, joseph

St. luke

AUGUST 16TH-17TH,2018 (3rd and 4th Day TEACHING PRACTICE)

3rd Day  Practice Teaching
Thursday, August 16th 2018

Today I teach in two classes at different times, st joseph with new material and st luke with deepening of the material so I have to be able to distinguish well from being wrong in delivering the material, today I still use the lecture method and to test my knowledge also give a quiz until the time is over


At the end of the learning sir alcher gave a commentary and the recommendations recorded in the booklet that I gave were like this:
4th Day Teaching Plan
Friday,August 17th 2018

Today I teach as usual in St Joseph and St Luke classes, I take morning hours because good time to study mathematics is morning, because that is the reason, in the learning I did there was a slightly different thing that I explained with proof and apparently the response they were very good because they were amazed by the evidence I showed, and they became so excited about completing the questions I gave.

At the end of the class, Sir Alcher did not forget to give an evaluation note that I had to improve for the next day I was teaching

St, joseph
St. Luke

Today Indonesian Independence Day and we are in philippines,i am actually sad because as usual we celebrate Independence Day with ceremonies and races August 17 if we are now in Indonesia, we have another way to celebrate Indonesian independence in the Philippines, yes by asking my students to congratulate Indonesia's birthday and take a photo with the Indonesian flag in front of SPUS,i am so happy heheheh


wednesday,August 15th 2018

Today is a day off because it is a day of activity for all SPUS students so there is no learning process, we also spend time preparing the learning materials we will teach tomorrow


August, 10th 2018

Tour To Museum Surigao

Actually I had to observe the classroom but the schdule from sister nicole that today we were going to the main campus because we would be introduced to all of  SPUS lecturers who today are meeting on the 2nd floor of the campus, and as usual our school and security guards Askes us to fillin the guest book that was used to check the time of going and going home, we also stopped the general multicap for the first time in Surigao City and stopped at the campus, when we arrived at  sister Nicole room after that he took US to the second floor of the roomSPUS lecturers were holding a meeting and we also introduced ourselves and they were very friendly and kind

after that we were invited to go out to look for some souvernirs of surigao which was located in the park Surigao city, there were so many souvernir but we decided to get them at the end of August when we would come back to our country.

in the park there was also a museum of Surigao which is not too large in size and many historical relics,  most of them are the relics of ships, a number of skipper etc. As we know that philifine ia also an archepelago country.
with lyra (our buddy in SPUS)

Museum Surigao

Mabua Beach De Norte

After being satisfied to travel around the city of Surigao we were invited to return to the main campus to take the multicap spus and we were invited to visit one of the most famous beaches in surigao named mabua del norte there was also a mountain I forgot the name of the mountain, which would have been nice .the atmosphere is similar in Indonesia (especially Ambon) so we feel at home.

Mabua Beach de Norte

After enjoying the view of the mabua beach, which was quiet at that time because we went on a weekdays
hehehe . It felt just like  private beaches, we went back to the dorm, had lunch and then rested


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